Tuesday, July 31, 2012

SEO Article Writing - The Best Way to Promote Your Website


If you're an ebusiness owner who's looking for a cost-effective but powerful internet marketing tool, look no further and use SEO article writing and distribution. As the term implies, you will need to write articles that are properly optimized and distribute them to different websites (ezines, blogs, and directories). If you care to do each step correctly, I can guarantee you that you'll enjoy better ranking, increased traffic, stronger online presence, and more sales in no time at all. Here's what you need to do:

1. Look for the most profitable keywords. The best way to start the process is to look for keywords that are currently very popular in your chosen niche. Doing this is very easy through the help of keyword trackers. These tools will give you a list of popular keywords in seconds. Choose long tail keywords that are not very competitive.

2. Next step is to decide on what specific keyword you're going to target for each article. Assign one primary keyword for each article that you write. You will need to use this on your title, on your resource box, on the first 90 characters of the articles, and once or twice for each of your paragraphs (that contain no less than 100 words). Then, decide on the secondary keywords to use. These must be related to your primary keywords. Using these will help the search spiders in easily analyzing the relevance of your keywords to your content.

3. Use compelling titles. You only have one goal when writing your titles and that is to get as many online users to take interest on your articles. Ensure that they're well-written and very enticing. Whenever possible, make them very intriguing. It will also help if you make them benefit-driven, very descriptive, and if you ensure that they have what it takes to target the emotional hot buttons of your target audience.

4. Put together great content for your readers. Make your readers feel how much you value them by giving them nothing but the best. Offer them as much useful, expert information as possible. Your goal here is to increase their knowledge in your chosen niche or to help them make well-informed decision. It could also be to help them solve their problems or to help them find the best, quickest ways to do things on their own. Ensure that your articles are well-written and very easy to understand.

5. Proofread. Do not use your articles on your website or on your article marketing campaign without proofreading them. Review each article that you wrote the next day so that mental fatigue will not get in the way. Eliminate grammar, spelling, and factual errors. Then, see if there's a need to improve the flow of your content or if you need to remove some text to make your articles as tight as possible.

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Date Night Movie Review - Date Night (2010) Staring Steve Carell and Tina Fey


Steve Carell and Tina Fey exhibit an excellent chemistry in this comedy about a couple looking to reignite the spark in their marriage. Phil Foster (Carell) and his wife Claire (Fey) plan a date night to try to add a little magic into a boring, monotonous marriage. When they try to get a table at a fancy restaurant in Manhattan, they are unable to get seated. Phil decides to take a reservation for a no-show, a couple named the Tripplehorns.

Date Night Movie Review - Confrontation

As they're eating they are approached by a couple of men who question them about a flash drive they are believed to have stolen from a mob boss name Joe Miletto (Ray Liota). After trying to explain how they're not the Tripplehorns, they are threatened at gunpoint, so Phil tells the men it's in a boat house in Central Park.

The movie continues with the Fosters figuring out that the Tripplehorns are actually Taste and Whippit Felton, a married couple played by James Franco and Mila Kunis. The exchanges between Carell and Franco in this scene are fantastic. The awkward insults delivered in a cumbersome style make for spit-take laughter. After realizing they may be in harm's way, the Feltons give the Fosters the flash drive and take off.

Date Night Movie Review - The plot thickens...

After discovering incriminating photos on the drive of a public figure and prostitutes, the Fosters find themselves in the middle of a mob cover up and crooked cops.

The plot of this movie isn't fantastic, but the way these characters gel together in their comedic performances allows the story moves along very well. As the title describes, this is a great date night movie that's full of laughs, and has a tender ending.

Date Night Movie Review Final Rating: 8/10

"Now YOU Can Create Professional 3D Animations, Games And Graphic Models Like Pixar and Dreamworks In 2 Hours or Less..."

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

World of Warcraft Warriors - How to Build Everyone's Best Friend


Warriors, everybody's best friend! Why? Because of their talent at keeping everyone else alive at their own expense, of course!

Tanks, we love 'em!

And today, tanks aren't just for protection - even protection tanks!

You see, prior to World of Warcraft 3.0, you could separate the protection tree from the other two trees and say, "protection is only for tanking, fury and arms do the damage".

Today, that's not so true, and protection warriors are dealing out much higher levels of damage thanks to some very interesting and fun to use shield skills, as well as still being heralded as the best main tank in the game.

So regardless of what you want to do with your warrior, do massive damage with slow swinging 2 hand weapons, or be the "rock" for any raiding group, I'll give you some pointers on how to craft an effective build here.

Lets begin by looking at builds that are suited to PvE, or leveling a warrior fast.

Going back to my statement above, post 3.0 World of Warcraft makes ANY Warrior build a highly effective leveling build, because protection warriors can now effectively generate high levels of rage which keep their abilities almost constantly firing.

There are a few things you want to keep in mind though, should you wish to choose a protection Warrior.

Firstly, you'll only do damage if your character is receiving damage. Rage is built up best by having opponents hit and damage you... or in the protection warriors case, as you'll soon see, when you block or dodge, or use blood rage!

Before I get into the important leveling talents for protection warriors, let me say to the arms and fury warriors - just pick the talents that make you crit more and do more damage. Plain and simply truths for you guys work a treat and you'll level very quickly.

So protection talents:

Make sure you take Improved Bloodrage, and use it before charging into combat. IBR gives you even more rage from the health sacrifice you make, and ensures your putting out maximum rage during a fight.

Also get your Shield Specialization maxed out quickly - each block means 2 extra rage generated. This stacking with Improved Bloodrage is all you need early on to have a huge pool of rage to chew through mobs and level quickly.

Later on, Improved Revenge, as well as the other blocking talents and abilities means you'll be stunning and damaging efficiently and repeatedly. This is one of my favorite talents as it both damages and reduces the damage you take.

Moving on to PvP Warrior builds:

PvP can be a bit more challenging for Protection warriors because like I remarked earlier, it can be difficult to build rage unless you're being hit. If you've played much PvP, you likely know if you're being hit, you'll probably die soon after, thanks to the burst damage slant most players give their builds.

So in PvP, protection Warriors, use Improved Bloodrage constantly! Use charge constantly, and stun constantly to ensure you keep the upper hand in the engagement!

Some handy PvP Protection warrior talents are:

Improved spell reflection - take the heat off spellcasters nukes by making the first cast miss automatically, and the rest miss more often. Spell casters with long range spells can be a hassle for warriors already engaged, unless of course they have...

Warbringer! Another of my favorite talents, Warbringer lets the poor PvP embattled warrior leave combat by charging, hopefully into the nearest cloth wearing upstart, which we will likely make very short work of soon after, leaving us free to return to the combat. At least that's the plan!

For Fury Warriors, you'll likely enjoy using a combination of critical boosting talents and Flurry, increasing your attack speed by 20% for 3 attacks after you score a crit in close combat.

But who needs these fancy talents when you hit level 60 and pick up Titan's Grip? If you don't like the idea of dual wielding 2 handed weapons (that's right, a 2h weapon in each hand), then the Fury build surely isn't for you!

Wielding such high damage weapons and then enhancing that damage with a well thought out Fury build is the stuff DPS dreams are made of, just don't let it go to your head, because unlike your arms and protection counter parts, you're just that little bit squishier.

So what about Arms Warriors?

PvP players will love using Mortal Strikes, which lets Arms Warriors reduce healing done to the target of this high damage, instant cast talent.

The end tree talent, Whirlwhind is also amazing for finding the largest group of enemies and literally wading in, whirling damage to 4 nearby opponents for 6 seconds.

Moving on to raiding and dungeon going Warriors, what should they look out for? And what are the best talents in their respective trees?

Lets continue talking about Arms Warriors -- they have the best of both worlds, but are the master of neither. Meaning they can put out excellent damage, but not as much as Fury. They can receive a lot of damage, but not quite as much as Protection.

For raiding though, as an Arms warrior there isn't much more to say than just think about yourself, and your own balance of damage and defense. The only power you have which can affect your raid mates (apart from your excellent melee damage output of course) is again Mortal Strikes, preventing mobs from healing.

The Fury Warrior is another story - while you still want to concentrate on your own damage dealing abilities, you also get a handy talent that will benefit the ranged and close combat classes in your raid.

This ability is called Rampage, and causes increased ranged and melee critical hit chance for all of your party and raid members by 5% for 10 seconds. This ability procs every time you score a critical, which is something you should be doing a lot if you've built an effective Fury Warrior.

The Protection Warrior is one of the most sought after raid members of all time. Able to taunt and hold aggro in all but the most difficult conditions, he also has a range of talents to help his friends.

My favorite is called Vigilance, and 1 point in it at level 40 gives you yet another way to protect your most valuable raid ally... the healers! Whether they be Priest, Shaman or Druid, the Vigilance ability is excellent for "siphoning" aggro from them and protecting them at the same time.

While the Protection Warrior has many other great abilities, I'll leave it to you to explore the tree to find them all.

Heard enough about the wide and varied play style of the Warrior? Get out there and start one! You don't need a perfect build to survive, just take the talents you find interesting. Unless of course you have aspirations of being a hard core raider or gladiator in PvP...?

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Signs Of Unfaithfulness - The Divorce Catalysts (1)


Divorce is not an event, but a process. In marriage so many insidious things, acts and attitudes come into play with the sole aim of bringing about a divorce. Most marriage couples do not know their spouses as they truly are. These people in their marriage pretend all the time, concealing their inadequacies but tell their spouse what they like to hear. Do not expect your unfaithful spouse to announce to you with a vuvuzela (the South African's local trumpet), "I am unfaithful" or carry a placard on their neck with the inscription, "I am only pretending to love you. Watch out for a divorce!" That surely will never happen! Rather, every person in marriage should look out for what I call the "the signs of unfaithfulness". These signs eventually speed up the divorce process.

Just like in the art of medicine, signs and symptoms are used to diagnose an internal body problem, one can easily figure out if his or her relationship is on the verge of collapse or in the process of being wrecked by an insurmountable divorce by learning to identify these signs of unfaithfulness. Let go through these signs of unfaithfulness now!

Sign #1: A partner with a weak moral conduct.
Do not be fooled by the beauty of your wife, girlfriend, or the well built body of your man, that you relegate their moral behaviors to the background. In any marital relationship, though beauty is essential, however, beauty is temporary, but morality will stand tall and be the deciding factor in the longevity of the relationship.

If you have a spouse with an importunate problem of immorality, take note of such a spouse. He or she could frustrate you or turn against you one day in your relationship. For example, when your spouse is sexually unscrupulous or weak, that is, cannot control his or her appetite for sex and easily fall for anything in skirt or trousers, then you better anticipate the unfortunate to happen - quarrels, fights, filing of a divorce, divorce. When your spouse's morality is questionable, then his or her faithfulness is highly uncertain.

Sign #2: A spouse that lets you down in times of predicaments.
Watch out for a wife or husband who is strangely absent during his or her partners difficult moments, when he or she could have easily been present. During the saccharine times of your relationship, you can hardly figure out the true colors of your partner. However, it is in times of anxiety that you see the true character of your partner. Try rebuking your spouse sharply in the heat of events and watch how he or she would behave in such times. It will surely tell you something about his or her faithfulness and extent of love he or she have for you. Even if in the heat of events you do offend him or her, remember that love suffers long, covers a multitude of sin, and does not behave itself unseemly. These should be the litmus test of your partners love and faithfulness to you.

Does your spouse or love one forgets your birthday of late? Or he or she does not show up on the funeral day of a close relative? Then, his or her faithfulness to you is arguable.

Sign #3: Your spouse only loves you when you shower her with gifts or money.
In college, I had a Biochemistry mate. He was my close pal and still is. This friend of my fell in love with a gorgeous lady on campus. My friend's girl lived extravagantly. Every thing of hers was pretty expensive. She always unreasonably demanded from my friend. When I tried to advise my friend about the frivolous demands her girl made, he only condemned me by saying, "You Theo must learn to make a girl happy." I knew the girl was with my friend because of what she gets from him.

After school, they got married. Words cannot lucidly depict their wedding. It is was one in town! His girl was able to convince him to loan some money from the institution he was working with so to put up a spectacular wedding. Some few months after their wedding, my predictions came to pass one after the other. The two became very broke. Pressure on them from the institution my friend borrowed the money became very ferocious. The lady began to exhibit her true colors to my friend. My friend categorically told me, "My wife's love for me finished when my last cent was gone." He continued, "As I speak, it has been a month since I last saw her. What she said that really marred me was that, she was sorry for herself for marrying a useless person like me. I hear she is with a rich Caribbean in Hawaii as we speak."

King Solomon of Bible days Israel wrote: "He that loves silver shall never be satisfy with silver." Never base your relationship on money. Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad said, "Money is not real." I believe that too! Therefore, when your love is based on how much money you get from your partner, then your love is not real. This explains why most employees rebel against their employers. Their relationship is basically like: I give you money + I get my money on time = We work together. When one loves the creators creation and not the creator, then, the relationship between that person and the creator is devoid of faithfulness. If your spouse seems to love you for what you have, and not who you are, question his or her faithfulness to you!

Sign #4: Your wife tells you she can head the family better than you the man.
Please do not chortle at this sign! When your wife (and women forgive me on this) jokingly or seriously tells you she can head the family better than you do, you better sit up. She might have had those thoughts for some time and she is now voicing it up. From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Such a wife may be despising you, lost confident in you and in her heart may not be considering you as the head of the family. When you despise someone, you can easily exhibit all kinds of loutish and obnoxious behaviors towards that person. When such an attitude is translated in the marriage setup, a chaotic marriage is the outcome.

Sign #5: A spouse who has been in several relationships before he or she met you.
Beware of a man or woman who has been with other women or men before meeting you. Such a person can be deadly! But there may be exceptional ones out there. But in terms of the more or less, please! just beware of people who have been in some relationships before and broke up. If he or she was unfaithful to his or her former girlfriend or boyfriend, he or she is likely to be unfaithful to you one day. Do not admit such a person into your fold and cheaply think that he or she will be loyal to you. People don't easily change over night. Before you enter into a marital relationship with such fellow, be persuaded of her past and character.

Sign #6: A person who speaks negatively about his or her spouse in public.
Mark your spouse when he or she say all sorts of negative things about you in public, to friends or family members. I never befriend someone who attacks his or her spouse verbally. I have listened as many wives said all sorts of nonconstructive things about their own husbands. Perhaps they thought they were gaining my sympathies, but the more they talked the more treacherous I found them to be. Not surprisingly to me all this wives later divorced their husbands. From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Copywriting and the Role of Creativity 1


Although copywriting is primarily factual, there is no reason for it to be dry and uninteresting. Indeed, many of the best copywriters are also the most creative. These articles consider creative techniques that can be used to enhance your copywriting and make it more engaging for the audience, without compromising factual accuracy.

One of the most important ways of introducing more human interest and authenticity into dry, factual writing, is to introduce human experience. You can do this in a number of ways, including with direct quotes and case studies. Sensory authenticity may also be an important component and here we shall be begin by exploring this idea in some depth and thinking about how it can be introduced into our writing in an effective and realistic way.

Defining Sensory Authenticity

Writers are divided on the importance of experience. John Gardner remarked that nothing can be more limiting to the imagination than sticking with what you know. He suggests, rather that writers should broaden their horizons whenever possible - that new experiences and perspectives will bring freshness and authenticity to their writing.

John Braine, however, argues:

"What must be held fast to, what I cannot repeat too often, is the fact that what isn't written from experience is worthless. You must never write what you don't know. Not to use the unique material which you have in your possession is a kind of suicide."

For other writers the value of personal experience lies in the way it 'resonates' with their readers. Consider the following extract from Nick Hornby's High Fidelity:

"The woman we have come to see is called Marie LaSalle; she's got a couple of solo records out on an independent label, and once had one of her songs covered by Nancy Griffith. Dick says she lives here now; he read somewhere that she finds England more open to the kind of music she makes, which means, presumably, that we're cheerfully indifferent rather than actively hostile. There are a lot of single me here - not single as in unmarried, but single as in no friends. In this sort of company the three of us - me morose and monosyllabic, Dick nervy and shy, Barry solicitously self-censoring - constitute a wild and massive office outing."

This piece works because readers identify on quite a deep level with the underlying insecurities of the main characters. Hornby uses this commonality quite consciously in his work: "I know the parts of me that chime with other people and I chop out anything that isn't going to resonate."

Similarly, in non-fiction writing you can use your own experience to create a shared 'bond' with the reader. Personal experience can thus be used as a strong basis for a personal experience article, or simply a starting point for a business report, article or book, or even an advertising idea.

In Pity the Nation, for example, Journalist Robert Fisk's highly regarded and detailed history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the author's own experiences of living in the region, and his impressions as he interviews sources, form a crucial element in the narrative:

"It was snowing in Litewska Street; not big, heavy flakes but small, hard, blinding droplets, almost sleet, that blessed the dull suburban road with a kind of grey fog. We parked our car on the pavement beside a tiny, bare tree, its branches glistening with rime. The few people in the street were hunched in their furs. Winter had attacked Poland more savagely than usual."

Here is a quite different example, this time from More! Magazine, and exploring one reader's personal experience (note that most such articles are written by a staff or freelance journalist, rather than the actual person).

"Until I was 21 I had no idea I had a problem. I was in my final year at Sussex University studying for a geography degree and things were going great. And then I went on the date from hell. I'd met Ben in the student bar and he'd asked me out for a Chinese meal. No problem there you'd think..."

I'm Allergic to Dating, Sarah Quinnell, as told to Sarah Bladen.

TRY THIS: Pick out two or three different magazines at random. Go through each one and identify the 'personal experience' stories. These might be autobiographical or, more often, biographical. Is the author describing an unusual or significant event? Are they describing an everyday event that took an unexpected turn? Are they describing an everyday experience from a fresh perspective?

The women's magazines and tabloid Sunday supplements, for instance, are keen on real life stories of 'adversity overcome' while the broadsheet Sunday supplements prefer to see real life accounts related to currently topical issues - for instance, an account of everyday life in a war zone, or of living with mental illness.

Such articles offer excellent PR opportunities for companies able to see the possibilities. e.g. one health and fitness centre arranged to write a series of fitness articles for the women's page of their local newspaper. The newspaper were pleased with the deal as they got free articles written by experts, and the health and fitness centre gained some free publicity. They were mentioned only indirectly in the articles, with acknowledgements for the photographs and a mention at the end of each piece, but the articles allowed their staff to establish themselves as experts in their field and built up awareness of the centre in the local area.

In article 2 we'll learn more about sensory authenticity.

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Fashion Doll Hair - To Root Or Reroot - What is the Difference?


You have plans to create your own anime character and you have just received the brand new Obitsu doll in the mail. The problem is it has no hair. But your character is not bald! So, how do you get the look that you want? Or maybe the head HAS hair but the hair is the wrong color. How do you get it the right color? In either case you would want to have the dolls hair rooted or re-rooted. This can be accomplished in one of two ways:

1) Teach yourself how to do it. Or...
2) Find a professional who can do it for you. Either way you will need to know if you are looking to have your dolls head "rooted" or "re-rooted".

Rooting a Head

If your dolls head is bald to begin with, (as smooth as a baby's bottom) with no hole at all, you will want to "root" the head. Which means you will be establishing its unique style from the very beginning. You can put the holes where you want them and create any look that you desire with hardly any problems.

The down side is that if your dolls head is hard, (meaning: not squishy), it can be a pain to get the holes in place to root the hair.

Another problem is that if your dolls head is soft you may be tempted to place the holes too close together which can rip the scalp and ruin the head.

Both these problems can be over come with practice.

Re-Rooting A Head

If your dolls head already has hair, or has had hair, you will be looking to have the head "re-rooted". The holes already define a specific style that can be quite hard to change unless you know what you are doing. But, it is simple enough to change or replace hair if the holes are already there.

On the plus side you can fill in or "root" bald spots if the hair is too sparse. But, you must be careful not to place them too close together.

On the downside the holes may look like they will require more hair then is really needed and you might rip the scalp by making the plugs too thick.

Once again, these problems can be easily overcome with practice.

Getting Help With Your Doll Hair

If you are afraid to do the doll hair re-rooting yourself, or you don't have the time to learn how to root doll hair, you can do a search and find the services you are looking for from a professional. You can confidently discuss the services you will require because now you know the difference between "rooting" and "re-rooting" a fashion dolls head of hair.

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Toddler Training Pants - What Are Best?


Potty training can be a daunting time and usually starts when the child is at least 18 months old, (usually older) however the long term gains can make the day of a parent so much easier. A start to potty training also signals the possible end to diaper or nappy dependency and that is one big bonus for parents. The selection of the correct toddler training pants during this time can have effects on how easy the transition from diapers/nappies will be.

Potty training pads or underwear inserts can be a good option, as they help the child feel any accidents and also absorb the resulting mess. If the child can feel the mess then he starts to learn the realisation that he should have used the potty. There is less waste with pads than other items and laundry duty (washing) is low.

Potty training underwear can come in many designs, shapes and colours however the important component here is selecting underwear that has thickness. Usually multiple layered underwear is the right direction to head down. Multiple layers consist of the middle layer being plastic preventing your child clothing being soiled. Training pants that fit your child well are also desirable. A snug fit is much more comfortable than pants hanging off the child.

As mentioned before, potty training underwear can come in many different designs, so selecting ones that have your the favourite cartoon characters of your child on them can be an attractive option for them which may lead to your child not wanting to wet or dirty them. This may send him to the potty more often which is exactly what you want.

Training pants that are easy for your child to pull up or down should also be considered. If they are easy for your child to handle, usually with larger waistbands, then your child will have less stress when attempting to use the potty.

Do not forget that night time is completely different to day time. Select a heavy duty thick pant designed for nights. Your child will no doubt wet during the night so a thick night time pant is the safe option.

The one important thing to remember all children/toddlers are different so what one child is suited to does not mean the next child is also. Shop around find the item that suits your child. The potty training process needs loads of patience form the parent.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Discover How You Can Adapt To CHANGE In Your Relationship The Effortless Way


I was watching an episode of the Home and Garden show "NEAT", which is a show where a crew comes in to help clutterbugs reorganize and systematize their homes. There is major change going on for the homeowners, including a lot of tossing out, giving away and rearranging of their home and life.

I turned to Rob, my life partner and even though I am an Amiable personality type which means I am into teamwork and everyone getting along, I said "If I was honest with myself, I think I would turn into Linda Blair's possessed character from the Exorcist if people started trying to force me into so much change."

Amiables, by tradition, do not adapt as well to change, but all personalities if they are not consciously aware of it or do not have positive, accepting ways of handling it, will go into resistance when someone imposes change on them. Even if the other person is including the first person in the decision-making process for the change, the simple fact that the other person initiated the change is enough to throw the first person into resistance.

This is a major power struggle is that hidden in most relationships that result in one person feeling threatened or encroached upon by the change and the other person feeling attacked or even abandoned because the first person is resisting their plans.

In an article prepared by the City of Winnipeg Employee Assistance Program, 1992. They have the following to say about change:

"Change is always a new opportunity and a loss of the familiar.

Change is a shift in what is required, anticipated and valued, so we must move differently and that requires energy... change requires energy.

Expect a variety of reactions to big changes. If you are not part of what's making the change happen, you may feel threatened and react automatically with anger, blaming, fear or some other style. What's your style?

Slow-to-be- realized- changes may be ever more threatening, and so you put the idea of what's happening out of your mind as much as possible. This is like the death of someone close to you, that you don't want to face. Expect the three stages of Resisting the Change, Accepting the Transition, and Opening up to a New Beginning.

Resisting is about denial, then anger, and then bargaining urgently to keep the old ways.

Accepting Transition is to first appreciate, and then get upset over what is being lost (mourning). Then we can accept the task of getting along without. Naturally, there is a time "in between" when we feel lost and without motivation or direction.

Finally, after some experimentation, we can become enthusiastic about some New Beginning.

It all takes time. Be aware of what you are up to, you can take care of yourself."

Now instead of trying to change the stages, it is more important to just be aware of them. You can then gently flow through the stages without further resistance or without being down on yourself for reacting a certain way. It is also important for your partner to understand the stages too so they know not to take it personally and not be in resistance to you either.

I was unconsciously going through the stages when Rob and I were doing some major renovations in our house. I was trying not to resist and feeling bad because I felt like I was being a stick in the mud, although I was trying not to. Once I realized the stages though, it really helped by just allowing the stages, and it became easier and easier to adapt to change.

In addition to accepting the stages, here are few positive beliefs to keep in mind about changes:

o Change is a chance for new opportunities and to learn new things.

o There is nothing to feel bad about if there is something that you need to change about yourself. You are perfect to begin with, if you find out the reality about yourself and that there is something you need to change, you are actually rediscovering your true self that has been lost during your life experiences.

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Is Looking At Pornography The Same As Adultery?


Pornography has snuck into our homes like Satan did with Eve in the Garden of Eden, tempting even the purest of heart. Some people have never thought about looking at porn before they had a computer, but now it somehow repeatedly gets in their view, and oops it happens.

There are a few really bad apples out there that revel and delight in tossing immoral imagery into our faces. Whether we read about these lusty desires in our Spam email or see it on popup banners, we've all come face to face with it through our computer. Most of us don't think twice about deleting porn from our email and in fact, we try to get popup blocker to stop the harassing banner ads.

Since porn is tossed out recklessly everyday in front of our face, eventually someone is going to click on it. It might be your husband, your wife, or your teenage son.

The bad apples are overjoyed! They work for Satan. Satan tells them sneaky and conniving ways how to do it, and make it more enticing. The bad apples comply because they want everyone to be depraved like them.

The problem begins when a person is tempted into viewing this garbage and they do not apply any moral ethics they might have on a godly foundation. The worldview of what morality is in grave error. If you base your belief system on something that is sinful, you will become in bondage to that particular sin. That is how Satan gets people involved in his work. They serve him by being a slave to sin.

Because porn repeatedly shows up on our computer in one form or another, we eventually give into it out of curiosity and say, "But one time won't hurt". In reality, folks, it does hurt. It hurts yourself and your loved ones tremendously.

"You have heard that it was said, "Do not commit adultery. But I tell you anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Matthew 5:27,28

1. Lust is an unhealthy and sinful desire that takes a person away from that which is right and good. It does not matter if it is lusting after strangers on the Internet or a fleshly body in a secret place. To yearn for the flesh of another person other than who you are married is wrong thinking taking over your mind and eliminating the natural goodness that resides in man.

Satan knows that by getting you to think and envision the lusty images in your mind first will entice you to desire it. Once you take a peek, you look again, and again, until you can't seem to get the immoral imagery away from your mind, and you become ensnared within it. If you think long enough, you become what you think. God says we are not to even THINK about these things in our mind.

"Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes, for the prostitute reduces you to a loaf of bread, and the adulteress preys upon your very life". Proverbs 25, 26

You are worth more than a loaf of bread, aren't you? If you continue in your wrong thinking, you will turn moldy, and then no one will want you.

2. If the act of adultery is wrong, then so is the intention. It is considered mental adultery and thus a sin! To be faithful to your spouse with your body, but not your mind is to break the trust that is so vital to marriage.

Pornography is easily justified in the minds of those who view it. They have broken a code of ethics to validate in their minds that it is okay to view it. Pornography for many is more justified than the physical act and if they get caught looking at it, all they have to say is, "well, at least I didn't have an affair."

This kind of thinking is wrong and is in total denial. Denial is the opposite of acceptance. If you can't accept that what your doing is wrong then you are in denial. The Internet only enables those who are tempted to continue in their addiction. Satan instructs the bad apples to get smarter and smarter in their different ways to put it out to the world. That means you have to fight back harder to eliminate sexual immorality from your life.

"It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God." 1Thessalonians 4, 3-5

Viewing Pornography and getting off on a temporary rush is only a symptom of a much greater problem. Lusting after the flesh of heathen strangers is bad enough, but this lustful desire also defiles the body, mind, soul, and marriage. In my book, it is the same as having a physical affair.

How can I stop looking at pornography?

The power to rid yourself of temptation and to remain faithful comes from what you believe. Therefore it does not rest in you alone but in your Creator. If you have been unfaithful it is because you do not have the foggiest idea how to utilize the tools (gifts) God has given you.

Loyalty to ones spouse is a part of the giving process that you learn through allowing God's love and forgiveness into your heart and mind. When you accept what the Truth is, you can actually give of yourself and do it freely. It's really that simple. Accepting is on the same line as humbling oneself. If you humble yourself to God, the one and only true director, you are giving yourself to God. Once you actually release your errors to God, He will rid you of temptation.

For those of you with a conscience, I say don't kick yourself too hard. You made a mistake and looked at porn. Pick yourself right back up and start all over anew. I say the same thing for those who have had an affair. Just because you were weak once does not mean, you are a weak person. You are what you believe to be true. Your potential is much greater than you allow. God will give you the power to cease and desist all tempting situations in your life, and become the person you were intended to be.

But you have to accept and believe in God as you source.
God hasn't condemned you yet. It is not too late to turn your life around and come to your full potential. Let go of Satan's hand and take a hold of Christ's hand. Don't condemn yourself!

If God is your source, and he is, that is where you came from, why do you look to the world (Satan) for reassurance of self? If the world is where you look for truth, you will believe what the world says, and probably be weak in your sin again. As with any addiction we are powerless to defeat it on our own.

When we fall into weakness, essentially, we're like a confused lost puppy unable to find our way home. We do not have a map to help us search for the lost treasure. We're probably not even sure why we are unfaithful and some of us remain in weakness. We have decided that society is our home, and society tells us that unfaithfulness is acceptable. Which, on the opposite end is what God says is not acceptable. As I said earlier, when you accept what you see in the world as truth, you tempt yourself into adultery and immorality of all kinds, which is not truth, but a devilish lie told by Satan.

It is God's will that all marriages be built upon the rock of loyalty and when you remain steadfast and loyal to your spouse, even through the hardships, you are allowing God to give you the understanding you need to remain faithful. By trusting in what God says for your marriage, you are less tempted to stray from the marriage, whether in the physical act or through pornography.

Therefore, you must stop looking to society for the answers. Faith comes from believing in what you cannot see with your eyes, bringing those beliefs into the heart and acting upon them with passion. Having and utilizing the power of faith is an individual matter that is gained by your own personal relationship with God. Make God you source!

It is not to late to come out of Sodom & Gomorrah. You do not have to base your opinions and thoughts on the ideas of sinful character. You can find your way home.

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

World of Warcraft - How to Farm the WoW Azure Whelpling and Make Huge Piles of Gold at the Same Time


Normally, if you are going to farm some pets, you probably just spend hours and hours killing beasts and then, hopefully, you finally get your pet - but often it's just waste of a lot of valuable time. However, this is not the case when you chase after the uncommon Azure Whelpling. You'll probably not spend more than 3-4 hours farming this pretty non-combat pet. And, as a bonus, you'll make large amounts of gold whilst chasing after him.

Just like the other whelplings, the Azure Whelpling is a flying dragon-like creature that follows you around. It's a beautiful azure-blue color, and constantly flutters about and spins around. It has a drop rate of 1 out of 1,000, and the mobs in the area are level 50-54, which makes this job a 'walk-in-the-park' if your character is over level 60.

How would you like to, not only obtain the pet, but also to make large quantities of gold whilst farming it? Here's the secret to doing both at the same time.

Bring Big Empty Bags

The Azure Whelpling is dropped by level 51-53 elite Blue Dragonkin. When you are killing the mobs, they will often drop blue items that you can either sell at the Auction House, or make them disenchanted and sell the resultant dust and shards. Obviously, if you have skinning as one of your professions, you can make even more gold, but you'll also need bigger bags.

Either way, you can make several hundreds of gold in just a few hours. Maybe farming for gold in this way is not ideal (it can become boring), but remember that your main goal for this mission is to get the Azure Whelpling, so the gold is just an extra plus. You'll also acquire many grey items that you can sell to the vendor, so once in a while you can take the trip to the nearest vendor and sell them.

Of course, in the ideal world you have either a portable mailbox, Jeeves or the Squire from the Argent Tournament, so you can install your own shop, bank or Auction House where, and when you need it. This could save you a huge amount of time.

Where to Farm the Azure Whelpling

You will find the Azure Whelpling in Azshara, in the North-Eastern Kalimdor. It's one of the prettiest areas in Kalimdor, so enjoy your trip to this area with its brilliant orange and red autumn colors.

"Now YOU Can Create Professional 3D Animations, Games And Graphic Models Like Pixar and Dreamworks In 2 Hours or Less..."

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Cariad Harmon - Four Letters


The debut release Four Letters by British born songwriter, singer, performer Cariad Harmon uses stirring lyrics and compelling arrangements of jazz, pop, and blues to paint real life situations that her audience can feel.

Four Letters: Let It Go; Jennifer; Four Letters; Now I Just Want To Be Loved; Hurricane; Miss You; It Don't Show; Goodbye; 0 Bill; Count On Me

Personnel: Cariad Harmon: Vocals, Guitar, Piano (Now I Just Want to Be Loved); Oli Rockberger: Piano; Gary Schreiner: Accordion, Harmonica, String Arrangement (Miss You); Rich Stein: Percussion; Garth Stevenson: Bass and Effects (Let It Go, 0 Bill); Paul Nowinski: Bass (Hurricane, It Don't Show); Chris Abell: Bass and Percussion (Hurricane); Mocean Worker: Bass Effects (Hurricane); Christian Howes Productions: Strings (Miss You); Yoed Nir: Cello (Goodbye); Jonathan Goldberger: String Arrangement (Four Letters); Roman Molino Dunn: String Arrangement (Goodbye)

Cariad Harmon - Four Letters is the debut release for British born Cariad Harmon on the MOWO! Inc label. To say that Cariad has taken as circuitous route to her debut release would be an understatement. Traveling in Australia she picked up a guitar and performed her way to a handful of free nights at a youth hostel before taking her newfound love of music and her guitar back home to London and the Brighton area. Performing live in various pubs around Brighton provided her with an understanding of how to adapt her style to connect with the pub patrons, which comes into play throughout Four Letters. Her excitement for performing live took her to Boston and then on to New York City, but once she became immersed in the music scene she felt her technique needed to be polished. Not totally deterred, she continued to work in the music industry always learning and connecting with fellow artists. Finally, her break came and surrounded by friends from her time in Boston and New York, Four Letters became a reality. Four Letters contains 10 original tracks that reflect the self confidence that Cariad now carries and projects through her lyrics and musicianship.

Four Letters starts with Let It Go, which is a beautifully arranged duet of Cariad on vocals and Oli Rockberger on piano. She does not attempt to overpower her listener or make a dramatic introduction, but engages her audience with class, charm, character, and above all respect for her trade. With lyrics that speak of friendship, caring, and trust she sings "Lay your burden down with the ones you love; Make it through the day and let that be enough;..., You don't have to forgive them darling, but you do need to let it go."

The track Jennifer is a personal story of the pain felt when a loved one takes ill, it is told through a poignant and powerful arrangement complemented by tender and compelling lyrics. The gift of one person's love cascades across others and touches people in special ways and when Cariad sings "Jennifer come on; Prove them wrong; Come on, come on, prove them wrong," you know that she is singing about a person with a strong will and presence.

The title track Four Letters started off as a track for a movie soundtrack, though a beautiful song, it did not fit the tenor of the movie and Cariad and her collaborator wrote another track, but the track Four Letters became the foundation for her debut release. Cariad writes songs from her heart and from personal experiences which makes songs from Four Letters so special. Four Letters speaks to a relationship that many people have been through, where you are a part of something but at times the relationship seems foreign and distant. Her ability to capture elements of real life situations and connect them through her music and lyrics creates songs that relate with her audience on many different levels.

The track Hurricane changes pace with a playful jazzy melody that she uses to tell the story of a woman going through a breakdown. Her arrangement works the notes from the upright bass to punctuate her lyrics as she crisply cuts her words and meanders through this emotionally charged track.

Four Letters includes torch-like songs such as My Heart, It Don't Show, Goodbye, Now I Just Want To Be Loved, 0 Bill, and Count On Me. Each track draws on different instruments to control the pace and project a tone that complements the mood and feeling that she is singing about. Creative arrangements, stirring lyrics, and the captivating storytelling of Cariad Harmon add up to a truly special release.

Websites where you can procure Cariad Harmon - Four Letters are Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, CD Universe, and Jazz Store.

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Don't Mis-Compete - Discover What Really Works


Competition puts pressure on people. The bend and squeeze brings out some fascinating qualities as we struggle to cope and to emerge as winners. Put under pressure, some people shine like diamonds, while others fumble, or lose their sense of sportsmanship in the bitter desperation for victory.

Corporate competition is subtler. But to reach your goals, it still requires that you learn the rules of the game.

I recently returned from the World Championships for Public Speaking in the United States - something like an Olympics for speakers - in which each international representative is provided with seven minutes. a stage, and carte blanche to do as we pleased within those parameters.

What struck a chord with me was not the presentations themselves - although they were superb - but the attitudes of the contestants. I have never seen such sportsmanship!

Before each speaker walked up to the stage, to face an audience of two thousand people and eighteen judges, we received words of encouragement and pats on the back from all our fellow competitors in the front row. When we returned to our seats, there were hugs and handshakes in abundance. No malice. No spite. Just honest camaraderie, despite the stakes.

Does that sound like the world you compete in?

Most competitions aren't that pretty. And aren't we always competing in life? In one sense or another, we pit ourselves against others for many reasons, be it for jobs, promotions, important pitches, or in a concerted effort for a competitive edge against a rival company in our market. For many of us, it could be simply the desire to better our own personal best. Competition is always present.

There are four rules I've learnt about doing well in competitions, and they apply no matter what game you compete in. As a hungry sole entrepreneur or focused corporate climber, these guidelines will provide you with an edge:


How often don't we pour our hearts and souls into what we do, only to find out that the goalposts were somewhere else entirely? The first irrefutable rule of competing successfully is to understand the actual dynamics of the game.

Your judges (be they referees, employers, a selection committee, or even the history books) have certain criteria. Begin by determining what is really required of you, not what you assume might be. Then meet those criteria. This is true whether you are applying for a job, vying for a promotion, or even raising children.

It is a frightening truth that less than 10% of people in any field read the publications relevant to their industry. Most journalists don't read newspapers and your average salesman is not big on sales books. By thoroughly understanding the dynamics of your particular game, you will already have gained a competitive edge over most of your rivals.

So if your goal is promotion, stop and ask yourself: what does that actually require. Doing your current job well might not be the answer. The actual answer might be improving your social skills. Or your leadership skills. Or starting to network with the right people.

And don't be bitter when others surpass you by doing things that you are not doing. Instead, understand that is how the game works and learn to play it.


There's no sense in reinventing the wheel. The mistakes have already been made for you and the knowledge is out there, in the form of books, mentors, magazines, blogs and courses. Go and observe the best. Talk to them. Continually question what it is they do that sets them apart.

Also, question anything that appears to be wrong, slow, or ineffective in those around you. There's an old saying among writers that points out you can learn more about writing from reading a badly written book than a good one. And it's true, provided you observe with a critical eye: What works? What doesn't? Why?

Don't just follow the blue-print blindly. When it comes to your inherited work-process, you might be able to find a better way and compete more effectively by standing out.


You should always view learning from the best as merely one step in the competition process. It is not the end goal. In other words, learn what works for the masters, but don't stop at trying to clone them. Bring your own flavour to the competition. You will often find that the true legends in any field have not only mastered the fundamentals, but also disagree with them on some counts, seeing areas where they can act differently and do better. They trust their gut and go for it.

Most top performers are not the product of pure mathematical formula. They have added something that is uniquely them. Once you have learnt the basics, don't forget to add your own individual flare. Make it yours. No one else is you, and that alone can set you apart.


Don't forget that life carries on after the competition. You are in no way exempt from the rules of being a human being, including courtesy and good sportsmanship. Showing yourself to be a sore-loser, or stepping on people on your way up, will only backfire, and it can backfire badly. People like fair play, and their sensors are always on, looking for the cheat.

Plus, do you really want look back on your victory and know that you did it by being a low worth individual? That all it took was total compromise on your values? That seems a hollow victory.

Competitions present the opportunity to find out what you have within you. Daily competition in your work environment does the same. Learn from it. Insist on bettering your own performance the next time round. Think your way strategically through your competition. Understand the dynamics, learn from the best, and bring your own unique flavour to the game.

And one more thing: don't forget to enjoy the process!

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Screenplay: Shrek (2001) Deconstructed


From our deconstruction of hundreds of Hollywood blockbusters at http://www.managing-creativity.com/

The Hero's Journey is the template upon which the vast majority of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon. In fact, ALL of the Hollywood movies we have deconstructed are based on this template.

Understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters.

The Hero's Journey:

a) Attempts to tap into unconscious expectations the audience has regarding what a story is and how it should be told.

b) Gives the writer more structural elements than simply three or four acts, plot points, mid point and so on.

c) Interpreted metaphorically, laterally and symbolically, allows an infinite number of varied stories to be created.

and more...

Sample Movie Deconstructed: Shrek (2001)

FADE IN: context / foreshadow of the Journey: open book; once upon a time there was a lovely princess....

Meeting the Hero in his Ordinary World: Shrek in the swamp.

Hero's capabilities, status, reputation: "this is the part where you run away."

Meeting the Loyal Ally and his character: the Donkey.

Loyal Ally's Inner Challenge: "I don't have any friends."

Foreshadow of the Journey / Hero's True Nature: Shrek saves Donkey ; the soldiers run.

Hero and Loyal Ally relationship: Shrek wants Donkey to go away.

Hero's Inner Challenge: "I'm an Ogre, doesn't that bother you?"

Developing Hero's Inner Challenge: having dinner alone.

Call to Adventure: Fairy Tale creatures forced to seek protection from Shrek in the swamp.

Journey to the First Threshold: Shrek and Donkey go to see Lord Farquaad.

Meeting the Antagonist, important characteristics, nature: meeting Lord Farquaad; short; evil; torturing the gingerbread man.

The Antagonist's Challenge: to become a real king.

Meeting the Romantic Challenge: the mirror tells us that Princess Fiona is locked up in a castle.

Antagonist's Ordinary World / viewing the First Threshold form a distance / reminder of Antagonist's characteristics: the castle; "do you think he's compensating for something?"

Threshold Guardian: the guard runs away and the turnstiles.

Observing the World of the First Threshold: "it's quiet.."

Rules given by an Authority Figure: the puppets in the information desk repeat the rules.

Inner Cave: Shrek battles the Knights.

Forced into the Physical Separation: Shrek gets his swamp back if he brings back the princess.

Physical Separation: crossing the sunflower field.

Developing Hero and Loyal Ally relationship / Foreshadow of the Transformation: onions have layers.

Entering the World of the Trials: crossing various landscapes.

Viewing the World of the Trials from afar: Shrek and Donkey look over the top of the mountain.

Foreboding: Donkey is afraid.

Warning: the skeleton.

Dangerous crossing: the rickety old bridge; lava lake.

Resistance to the Crossing: Donkey doesn't want to go further.

Pushed into the Road of Trials: Shrek forces Donkey across.

Geography: Donkey finds the stairs and Shrek finds out where the Princess is.

Trial 1: battling the dragon; Donkey flirts with the dragon.

Trial 2: Meeting the Romantic Challenge: Shrek grabs Fiona; their relationship developed.

Trial 3: Escaping the dragon.

Meeting the Oracle: Fiona wants a kiss to fulfil the fairytale prophecy.

Resisting Seizing the Sword: Shrek won't take off his helmet.

Forced toward the Sword: Fiona tells Shrek to take his helmet off.

Resisting the Journey to the Sword: Shrek carries off an indignant Fiona.

Foreshadow of the Atonement: referencing Farquaad.

Foreshadow of the Romantic Challenge's Inner Challenge: Fiona afraid that the sun will go down.

Seizing the Sword: Shrek reveals why he wants to be alone by the fire: "everybody things I'm just a big ugly ogre."

Reward: Fiona makes breakfast.

Near Death Experience: Robin Hood battle; Shrek has an arrow in his butt.

Foreshadow of the Atonement: "if you wanted to be alone, all you had to do was ask.."

Reward: Attachment: candy floss and balloons.

Resisting the Return: "Donkey must be sick..."

Atonement with the Father: Fiona and Shrek fall for each other; Shrek cooks weed rat by the fire.

Foreshadow of the Apotheosis: "she's a Princess and I'm an ogre."

Apotheosis: Donkey finds Fiona; she's an ogre by night.

Ultimate Boon: Shrek brings Fiona a sunflower.

Refusal: Shrek mishears Fiona; Donkey promises not to tell; "I tell him, I tell him not..."

Time Pressure: Fiona wants to get married today.

Magic Flight: Shrek calls Farquaad and goes home; pursued by rejected Donkey.

Rescue from Without: Donkey comes back and tells Shrek that Fiona wasn't talking about him.

Crossing the Return Threshold: flying back on the dragon.

Time Pressure: "can e quickly get to the 'I do's."

Resistance: Donkey convinces Shrek to wait until sundown.

Pushed Forward: Shrek impatient.

Master of the Two Worlds:

Antagonist reveals himself: Farquaad only want to marry you to be king.

Romantic Challenge reveals herself: Fiona turns into an ogre.

Hero and Antagonist battle: the dragon eats Farquaad.

Freedom to Live: Shrek conquers his Inner and Romantic Challenge: "I love you;" love's true from; Donkey and the Dragon together.

Celebration and Ceremony: the marriage.

Learn more...

The Complete 188 stage Hero's Journey and other story structure templates can be found at http://www.managing-creativity.com/

You can also receive a regular, free newsletter by entering your email address at this site.

Kal Bishop, MBA


You are free to reproduce this article as long as no changes are made and the author's name and site URL are retained.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Virtual Life Games - Live Life How You Want!


Gone are the ways where wishes had to have wings in order to fly; today, you can choose your own destiny, design and chart it. You can really be anyone you want to be, virtually speaking.

A common component in real life is the inevitability of mistakes, and the irreplaceable nature of wasted time. Most mistakes of course can be corrected but oftentimes, nature or time doesn't permit that - it's either you can't correct that particular mistake or, there is little or no time or opportunity to do so.

Consider yourself in real life, all that you wish you could be, all the things that you are not: tall, handsome, pretty, successful by any standards, have any ethnicity/skin of your choice. That day could really come to pass sooner if you exited the real world, assume an alter ego and became a citizen of the virtual one.

The developers of virtual life games must have capitalized on the human need for total control - to be whoever they want to be - and gave them this power on a platter of gold in the virtual realm.

Virtual life games enable its citizens, also called players, to be able to have control of their virtual lives. With the help of 3D text/characters called avatars, the players are able to interact with one another as they would in real life.

The beauty of virtual games is that is allows for the imagination to be explored. Real events and elements are fused with pure fantasy and fairytales to create the best of both worlds. This means that everything thing follows the real world timing format and order but then fantasy and imagination is allowed to run wild and take it further.

In a simulated world, reality can only be enacted to a certain degree that often times is very similar to the real deal but, since citizens of the virtual world are also from the real world, interaction between them purely dependent on their respective intelligence levels. This means that anything obtains.

Basically virtual life games opens doors to a whole new possibilities. It is like the ability to create a better extension of your current self, you meet new/exciting people, go to new exciting places, explore, etc. A second chance to do all that you wished you could do or undo; it gives you the options to live life exactly how you want it, devoid of mistakes, again and again.

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Create Free Look-Alike Cartoon Avatar Pictures - Website Review


Creating an avatar can be fun. Many people find that making a cartoon form of yourself, or one that looks like one of your friends is fun and amusing but avatars are becoming so popular these days that you are unlikely to surf the internet without seeing one.

A free avatar maker called Create My Picture can offer many different options available to creating your desired look. Here is a look at the various options you have when creating an avatar with this kind of website


Choose from 20 different skin types. Pick your desired skin color from the huge range, starting from the more traditional colors to the more outrageous - green and purple! It's fun!


With a range of different 5chins, you can choose a square chin or a round chin, the choice is yours!

Eye Shape

With a massive 59 different eye shapes to choose from you can create whatever look you want your avatar to have!

Eye Color

24 different eye colors choose from. Combine this with almost 60 eye shapes to choose from and you can see that you have a great deal of possibilities with this free avatar marker

Hair Styles

There are over 80 lovely hair styles to choose from. Ranging from the simple "bob" look, to the more out there styles there is everything you could be need when you come to create avatars.

Also an additional 14 extra styles to choose from you can have the extra long hair if you desire!

Hair colors

Choose from a massive range of 24 colors.

Mouth shape

70 different mouth shapes to choose from. Whether you want bright, puckered up lips or a big wide open mouth there is the style you would want!

Facial Hair

Choose from a mixture of 10 moustaches or 6 different beards to add the facial hair shape that you want to your free avatar.

You can also add some extras to your cartoon picture with this free avatar maker.


Choose from a massive range of ear-rings, headsets and ear cuffs. There are over 50 to choose from which all add their own style and look to your avatar


There are also over 4 pages of glasses to choose from. Ranging from either the more stylish, fashion orientated sun glasses to the more prescription looking glasses.

Skin Accessories

With 2 pages to choose from, you can add an extra touch to your avatar with facial tattoos etc.

Hair Accessories

Last choice on this list is your choice of hair accessories - Ranging from clips and bobbles you can add some extra when creating your avatar.

Avatars are a fun way to express yourself online. Many people use them for fun or to replace an existing picture. An avatar is an expression of a person but in fantasy, children and adults alike use these symbols and they will be around for a long while to come. I think the internet has brought these designs along and has made avatars what they are today.

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Sunday, July 15, 2012

What's the Difference Between 2D and 3D Anyway?


Isn't it obvious? Well, apparently not quite, when you consider how many people are still struggling with this topic!

The first concept you must grasp is that 3D means 3 dimensional and 2D means 2 dimensional. Now before you think I'm stating the obvious, let me go on to say that the 3D and 2D in animation refer to the dimension in which the animation was created. Ahhhh. The plot thickens eh?

For 2D animation, everything happens on a 2 dimensional platform. Pictures are flat, without depth and offer only one perspective. Objects and characters are usually drawn without the subtle soft shadows we see in real life and colours have few varying shades. In 3D animation, everything happens on a 3 dimensional platform. Pictures have depth and offer multiple perspectives just like in real life and have soft subtle shadows casted on the objects and characters within.

In 2D, characters look cartoonish and unrealisitc. In 3D, characters can look cartoonish but realistic at the same time.

Another way to think of this is to think in terms of a painting and a sculpture. 2D is a painting, and 3D is a sculpture. 3D introduces "depth perspective," so we not only see a rectangle (2D) but a CUBE (3D). You may also want to think of it like being the difference between a photograph of a glass of water (2D) and being able to reach out and actually pick up the glass of water (3D).

Typically, 2D involves "drawing," or movement on, say, a flat surface (sketch pad, etc.) or in the vertical and horizontal planes. 3D involves "modeling," i.e., creating objects in 3-dimensions using a computer software, residing in an expansive virtual environment, complete with lights, reflections, other objects, shadows, etc.

You could start training yourself by comparing a cartoon like Bugs Bunny, Aladdin, Lion King (2D) to "Toy Story 1,2 & 3, "Finding Nemo" and "Incredibles" (3D). If you have not watched any of these great cartoons, you should grab one right away or be branded a neantherdal forever!

"Now YOU Can Create Professional 3D Animations, Games And Graphic Models Like Pixar and Dreamworks In 2 Hours or Less..."

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Friday, July 13, 2012

How to Print Money With Your Scanner


OK, scanners don't technically print. You aren't technically getting the most out of your scanner right now, so I guess you will have to forgive me. Think about it, what do you actually do with your scanner?

I will give you 10-1 odds it's just a one-trick pony for you. You use it to capture images, don't you? You've captured Fluffy at the local dog park, Jimmy's picture with great-aunt whatshername, the trip to Sea World in '81. What if there's more? What if you could harness the power of your scanner to save you huge amounts of time and money at home and work?

You can, because I've done it. In fact, last week, I saved my company 200 hours of labor. Even paying minimum wage(which we weren't), that brings the total saved to over 00. At first glance, this figure doesn't line up with basic math. x 200 = 00, not 00. How did I do it? The answer lies in economic theory, and a really old technology.

Opportunity cost is a basic economic theory which calculates not only how much the visible costs are, but what it costs you not to do something else. The most common illustration is a college education. If you pay ,000 a year in visible costs, the cost of not working a full time job could be running you ,000 in hidden costs. Thus, the total cost of a college education is actually ,000 a year. The same goes for saving money. Not would you save your company 00 in visible costs, by implementing the strategy I did, you may have made them an additional 00 by using that time in a more productive manner. Now, you can see why I call it printing money.

The technology I used to get these results is called OCR or Optical Character Recognition. OCR is not a new at all. The first patent for the technology was filed back in the '20s In fact, it has been around in machine form since 1955. The US Postal Service has been using it since the '60's. Essentially, it converts printed text or writing on a page into digital form. That was the extent of the technology's abilities for a great deal of it's lifespan. The field has seen some great strides since then, including automatically formatting email addresses into hyperlinks, duplicating exact replicas of page structure(including columns and breaks), and PDF support.

Maybe you don't see how this could benefit you. Okay, I'll run you through a few scenarios, and show you how you'd save that time and money:

Uses for a Business:

  • Invoices sent as pictures: I cannot stand it when someone sends me a bill of lading or a packing list, and I can't select the text. Just run one of these images through OCR software, and you automagically have text you can copy, paste, or otherwise manipulate for another document.
  • The Trade Show Directory: Have you ever gone to a trade show, and received that massive directory of attendees? Maybe you wanted to get their names and addresses into your mailing system, or you just want their email addresses for your contact list. What if I told you that you could scan and digitize that 1200 page document in as little as 3 hours? At our company we did. We now have a digital directory of all suppliers and buyers in our industry, for the entire continent of North America, and we did it in just 3 hours.
  • That Old Rolodex: Ah, yes. The trusty Rolodex. You may have replaced yours with an email contact list, or maybe you still keep it closely by your side, in case a natural disaster strikes. You can put 6-8 of these cards on the scanner at the time. In a little while, you will have a fireproof version of your contact list. You could even sync it to your email contacts.
  • Business Cards: These things are the hardest in the world to keep up with. They are easy to lose, and they make a mess on your desk. OCR is able to accurately recognize the itty-bitty type, and turn it into something legible and usable. You can throw 8-10 on your scanner at any given time, and go to town.

There are a ton of other uses for business, but I can't go through all of them here. Let's turn our eyes toward uses for school and home.

Uses for School and Home:

  • The Book Report: Don't you dislike typing in long passages for book reports? I know I do. A quick run through the scanner, and you'll have a ready-made quote to plunk down in the middle of your paper
  • Lost Papers: How many times have you printed out a paper, and accidentally deleted the original on your hard drive? Once again, run it through, and you will have an editable copy in minutes.
  • Contracts and Legal Documents: OCR makes it easy to modify a buyer or seller's agreement before sending it back to your realtor or lawyer, even if has just been sent as an image or hard copy.
  • Digitize your signature: This is not technically an OCR feature, but I will throw it in as a freebie: Put your signature on a white sheet of paper using black ink. Scan the paper. Using GIMP or Photoshop, remove the white background. Save as a .png to preserve the transparency. The next time you need to sign a document you are typing, insert this image into OpenOffice or MS Word. Email the doc, knowing you never had to waste the paper to print it.

Are you convinced now? If so, let me tell you what you will need to make sure you can convert your text:

  1. You need a TWAIN compliant scanner. Most scanners released within the past 8 years or so follow this specification. Unless your scanner is really ancient, you shouldn't have a problem with this
  2. OCR Software: Most of the time, the software is installed along with the drivers for your scanner, and is completely free. Manufacturer versions are not often as full-featured as If you want a cheap solution, and are willing to settle for 97% or so accuracy vs. 99% percent, you can go with a free, open source option like GOCR. While I am not usually a big fan of commercial software, I will pay for a great package. If you are looking for software for your company, I recommend Omnipage Pro. You can pay 500 bucks for their current version, or pick up an earlier release for on eBay like I did. It's easy to use, and super fast.
  3. While not necessary, I highly recommend a scanner with an automatic document feeder, or ADF. This will make scanning large books a breeze, along with freeing you to do other things while the software does it's magic.
  4. I would also recommend a larger amount of RAM, as images can be quite memory intensive. The less time the application spends accessing your hard drive, the faster the processing will go.

Now that I've given you some ways to save time and money, go invent some ways to do even more. If you find a way to print money, do me a favor, and make an anonymous deposit to my account.

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

How to Find a Weight Loss Program That Will Give You the Results You Want


There are tons of people who have a problem with weight matters each day and regardless of statements that a super weight loss plan may work for anyone, the reality is that all of these folks have a health history, specific eating habits and a lifestyle matter that determines whether or not a weight control strategy will assist them to lose those pounds. If you're looking for a weight loss strategy that's going to work for you, you must never give up and stay on the straight path.

But remember that no one thing is successful for everyone and that there is clearly something that will be successful for you. The hard part is to discover it, identify it, and never give up on it.

For a large group of people, controlling their eating habits is tremendously challenging. A number of diets try to take on that drawback by showing the psychological problems behind the things you eat. Others focus on the obstacle by adding or taking away particular foods in someone's diet that are understood to increase your desire for food. Different diet plans depend on nutritional options, like filling shakes that trick someone to feel stuffed and still provide acceptable vitamins and minerals, while lowering calories.

For others, it's not eating habits that's the problem, it's the kind of meals they consume. Selected diet programs give out very strict diet regimens that encourage weight loss, because of the method the body breaks down the food. A few are short-term and intended to lose pounds over a restricted phase of time. Others are long-term lifestyle changes. The success of these diet programs rely greatly on the person's size and weight loss goals plus their amount of responsibility.

Different weight loss plans are meticulously coupled with work out routines. Obviously, not all exercise systems will be interesting to just any person; a few would find bike riding appealing, while most could desire something like basketball. The thought is that a person will choose what is most appealing to them since the more fun and enjoyment they get from an activity, the more likely they will never give up on it.

The oversight that several folks make is that they don't understand their own lifestyle or character when they try a weight loss program or exercise routine. They attempt what society is trying and hop on the weight loss bandwagon with the understanding that it was recommended by the newest weight loss guru. Remember that it's okay to research and try out uncommon systems, but ultimately it is a mission to uncover what is personally attractive to you.

An extra tip to in maintaining a diet or work out lifestyle is to set very apparent and realistic goals. Just being frail is too common to be effective. You may want to set a number and a date: Drop 20 pounds by March. To prevent disappointment the goal must be reachable and must never put you in jeopardy with your health. If a diet causes you to be lightheaded or radically affects your aptitude to be totally alert and functional, then cease at once.

Luckily there is a large variety of weight loss systems. There's likely to be something that will assist you to exceed your goals and match your lifestyle.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Book in Review: Alien Hunter, Star Trooper by David K Scholes


When I was a kid, I read my fair share of science-fiction. As an adult, I still ingest a decent amount of sci-fi in other media, but when it comes to the written word, I tend to lean more towards what can best be called "non-genre fiction", political diatribes and biographies of musicians. Comic books aside, I don't read an awful lot of sci-fi (and most of the comics I read aren't really sci-fi, either, unless you consider super-hero stories a subset of science-fiction). With that in mind, I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly I was drawn in by "Alien Hunter, Star Trooper".

This book, by Australian author David K. Scholes, follows an alien known only as Earle (previous appearances of the character sometimes use the spelling Urrle, suggesting that the rather Earthly name is probably just the best translation available to us) after he is mysteriously deposited on Earth by an arbitrary universal force known as the Hand of God effect. Having read previous short stories featuring the character, most notably in the "Essential Reading in Science Fiction" compilation, I wasn't entirely unfamiliar with Scholes' work, or with Earle. This novella, however, collected from a 12-part serial that ran in Golden Visions Science Fiction magazine, gave a more complete and compelling look at the character and his adventures.

In this book, Earle is transported to Earth from a distant corner of the Universe by a random universal effect known as the Hand of God. We learn a bit about his past accomplishments and the hardships he's endured. A hard man, renowned throughout the universe as the best of the best amongst Alien Hunters and Starship Troopers, Earle has also been subject to terrible tragedy. It is outside of his considerable powers to return from whence he came until such time as the Hand of God decides to take him back. So, what does an incredibly formidable warrior from an advanced civilization do when he finds himself trapped on a backwater world like ours for an indefinite period of time? Earle decides to get involved and take a proactive role in the affairs of his temporary home. What that means exactly, I'll leave for you to discover for yourself, as I recommend picking up a copy of this book.

Along the way, you'll meet or learn about a lot of the alien forces in our universe, some benevolent, some benign. The Tolden, the Brell, Shifters, Super-Shifters, the Drealth and others complicate Earle's life and that of the Earth. Most importantly, Earle will meet Chris McInnes, a remarkable earth woman who works as a Detective for the Chicago Police Department. Chris, too, has recently endured terrible personal tragedy, but like Earle she is strong and has an uncommon well of determination to draw from. As we learn more about Chris, she turns out to be full of surprises and secrets. Her role on her home world and her growing relationship with Earle turn out to be things that even the mysterious forces that run the cosmos will respect.

There's a lot to enjoy here. The main characters are interesting and enigmatic, there is a credible element of romance mixed in with the action and suspense. If I had any criticisms, the first would be fairly pedestrian. A more thorough editing, or rather proofreading, job would be helpful as there are a few grammatical errors and such along the way that don't detract from the experience much and are likely to occur during the writing process but which should be caught by a good proofreader. The second would be that many of Earle's fights sometimes go a tad too easily, though in some cases it's to be expected considering who he is and who some of his foes are. Which is not to say that he is never challenged. In fact - oh, but that would be telling. At any rate, these are relatively minor quibbles. The story itself is extremely engrossing, the characters are compelling and make you want to learn more about them, and the universe Mr. Scholes creates is a rich and complex one, full of mighty star faring races, mysterious cosmic forces and, at the eye of the storm, two people trying to make some kind of difference, Earle and Chris.

If I read more science-fiction books that were this much fun, I might spend more of my reading hours with the genre again. It reminds me of the feel some classic sci-fi had, such as Bradbury or Heinlein, in the sense that you tend to lose yourself in the world Scholes has created. Isn't that what sci-fi is supposed to do?

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012



"If each man or woman could understand that every other human life is as full of sorrows, or joys, or base temptations, of heartaches and of remorse as his [or her] own...how much kinder, how much gentler he [or she] would be."

--William Allen White

"Humility can be sought but never celebrated."


Lindsay Lohan recently joined the list of celebrities who have spent time in rehabilitation. She was suspected of driving under the influence after crashing her Mercedes; cocaine was also tentatively identified at the scene. It is simple to scoff and point a glaring finger at her mistakes, but she acknowledges the tenet of every organization that exists to help individuals get well: "I have a problem." Paris Hilton is serving jail time and Britney Spears is reorganizing her life, aptly noted on her website: "I am 25 and I do still have a lot to learn, and I am going to make mistakes everyday, and I am sure every mistake I make will probably be on CNN or Good Morning America. I am only human people and I love you for still loving me." Disgust or apathy tend to be the perception of these young stars, but is it possible lament is the better word? Are their stories simply more Hollywood banter to gossip about or are they authentic glimpses into the deep trenches of a person's soul?

I recently heard someone discuss the power of AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meetings. Having exhausted all resources, men and women join this community on a daily basis. In fact, consider the wisdom of this gathering: everyone is working towards the same goal; accountability to others is pivotal; relapse is possible; boasting is a vain exercise; success can be achieved. Ironically, finding assistance comes with a difficult admission, perhaps the hardest phrase to utter: "I cannot do this on my own." When pride falls down, when the walls of the false self crumble, restoration begins. Solomon, a king of ancient Israel, writes, "A man's pride brings him low, but a man of lowly spirit gains honor." In this particular sentence, the ancient Hebrew word for low is shaphel and means "sink" or "abased." It's vexing that "lowly" and "honor" reside together, but strength rises when we look to others for support and encouragement. And as a society, we expose those who are not genuine, who give shoddy efforts. But it is our secret hope the hurting discover wellness.

As wellness emerges, numerous lessons are revealed, two of which worth noting. The first is wisdom, recognizing the warning signs that lead to pride, lust, jealousy, and the list of other vices society engages with on a daily basis; the second is humility, a new look on life, fresh eyes. The opening quote captures this outlook, for it contains a paradox. Those who celebrate humility are ironically revealing its antithesis, pride. The humble deflect attention and prefer not to be recognized; they wish to serve or volunteer quietly, letting their actions go unnoticed. Few live by this mantra though. In seeking importance, purpose, status and prestige, men and women intentionally verbalize accomplishments to others. And even if they don't, others tend to do it for them. And the truth is quite simple--we enjoy the attention, the praise of others, the flash of the camera bulb, the awards that grace the den walls. Otherwise, there is no need for magazines, television, books, or film. Our society revolves around the power of the human spirit.

Although pride is generally framed through negative connotations, there is additional room on the spectrum. Pride is healthy and another way of describing self-respect. Everyone has abilities, passions, and gifts to make the world a better place. We take pride in a family heirloom or a rare piece of art, a new car or a job promotion. Many feel a deep sense of civic pride as they vote. Pride is good, but becomes unhealthy when the measure of one's self becomes exaggerated or excessive. It is then a mind of egotism and vanity begins to blossom, the person no one wishes to be around. Oddly enough, we tend to secretly admire the arrogant, those that seem to have life together and always comment on the comments of others. But a different person may live behind closed doors, a depressed person, a hurting person. Unfortunately, it easier to put the mask of happiness on, burying true emotions.

Pride has also been the focal point of race recently. Mel Gibson was blasted for his remarks about Jewish men and women, Don Imus made a callous remark about the Rutgers women's basketball team, and Michael Richards may have ended his career during a stand-up routine some months back. Pride has been the basis for the Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement. And while racism seems quiet, it's presence is everywhere. I watched "American History X" (1998) two months ago and spent the remaining moments of the evening in jarring shock and deep reflection. Derek Vinyard, eerily portrayed by Edward Norton, is a former Neo-Nazi who tries to prevent his younger brother from following his path. Vinyard is influenced by a man consumed with white pride, further driven by hate for minorities after his father dies. He murders a young black man and heads to prison; what he discovers is hell on earth, total breakdown. It is then Vinyard decides to give up his former way of life. And ironically, a black teacher never gives up on the true man he sees within Derek.

"American History X" and "Crash" have revealed to me I have racist tendencies. Everyone has racial tendencies. Though they may never be vocalized, I process these thoughts unconsciously. Again, it easier to look at the faults of others. Looking inside is difficult and reveals unwanted character traits; growth comes when we come to the understanding that change for the better can occur. Pride keeps us from this admission, the blatant denial that no problem exists, that all is well. Solomon writes, "Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice." Humility resides in the heart of those who listen, internalize, respond, grow. Societal wisdom may denote the humble as weak. But in light of the Scriptures, unconventional wisdom is apparent.

St. Paul talks about strength in weakness. The ancient Greek word for weak is astheneia and means "to bear trials and troubles." Life is full of astheneia, working through problems that arise day to day--strained relationships, parenting, divorce, anger, jealousy, finances, purpose, existence, peace. But like rehabilitation, strength comes when we look beyond our means and seek the help of another, a higher power perhaps. Calm begins to sweep over a chaotic mind and rest begins to engulf the soul. Men and women who enter rehabilitation and sit down acknowledge this statement, verbally or mentally: "I need help." And sitting across from them is someone who wishes to do just that. In fact, this motion of sitting down is similar to a posture in which both legs rest down on the earth.

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